Dude!! (If I might be so bold as to address you in such a way, No offence meant)
I agree with almost 90% of your review.
1. The wish stone plot line was always going to be tricky and I think the movie failed to establish the rules of how the wishes worked. If they did that then maybe it would be more intriguing.
2. Acting wise completely agreed. The actors did their best with that they had. Especially love the continued chemistry of WW and Steve.
3. The mid part has a lot of plot holes I completely agree! Geeze. I think there were a lot of reshoots in the movie for some reason.
4. Cheeta's character was not utilized to the greatest degree. She felt like a side kick to Max or just a henchmen at the end. And the wish of being an apex predator is a bit iffy. Lions kill Cheeta I think? not sure. But that's the first thing that jumped out at me when I heard her wish.
5. The beginning is where I sort of disagree with continuity. As I remember Diana was over protected by her mom and not the best physically until she was a teenager or older in the first movie and we saw her grow. I always thought that was really empowering but in this movie she is presented as a prodigy at a very young age. Maybe it was her "cheating" in the games that made her avoid future training and made her mom over protective but that scene bugged me the entire movie.
6. Wonder women armor... enough said on that... There was a line saying all the amazons give up all their armor to make that specific one or something right?
7. The wishing wind throwing off Diana was no jarring! and the touching every body through particles... Science fiction to the max right there :(
And apology for my long reply as well.
you should right an article about it! You have and awesome start right here!